The aim of this course is to provide candidates with the necessary knowledge to enable them to carry out the roll of the Traffic Safety and Control Officer on temporary traffic management measures on the Network.

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Foreman (12A)

The aim of this course : is to provide candidates with the necessary knowledge to enable them to supervise the installation, removal of standard static temporary traffic management measures on high-speed dual carriageway.

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LTMO (12B)

The aim of this course is to provide candidates with the necessary knowledge to enable them to supervise the installation, removal of static temporary traffic management measures on high-speed dual carriageway.

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Operative (12AB)

The aim of this course is to provide candidates with the necessary knowledge to enable them install, maintain, and remove static temporary traffic management measures on high-speed traffic dual carriageway under the supervision of a LTMO or Foreman.

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Supervisor (12C)

The aim of this course: is to provide candidates with the necessary knowledge to enable them to Supervise the installation and removal Mobile Lane Closures.

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Operative (12C)

The aim of this course is to provide candidates with the necessary knowledge to enable them install and remove Mobile Lane Closure as part of a team under the supervision of a MLC Supervisor.

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Planning Officer (12C)

The aim of this course is to provide candidates with the necessary knowledge to enable them to carry out the roll of the Traffic Safety and Control Officer on temporary traffic management measures on the Network.

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Moving Works Operative (T1)

The aim of this course is to provide delegates with the necessary underpinning technical knowledge to enable them to implement the correct traffic management to undertake moving works.

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Static Works on Single Carriageways (T2)

The aim of this course is to provide delegates with the necessary underpinning technical knowledge and skills to install, maintain, alter and dismantle temporary traffic management traffic control systems on single carriageway roads.

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Static Works on Dual Carriageway 40mph or less (T3)

The aim of this course is to provide candidates with the necessary underpinning technical knowledge and skills to install, maintain and dismantle static temporary traffic management on dual carriageway roads restricted to 40mph or less.

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Convoy Operations (T4)

The aim of this course is to provide candidates with the necessary underpinning technical knowledge and skills enable them to install, carry out manual traffic control and drive an approved convoy vehicle.

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Multi-Phase Traffic Signals (T5)

The aim of this course is to provide candidates with the necessary underpinning technical knowledge and skills enable them to install, operate, maintain and dismantle multi-phase traffic signals.

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The aim of this course is to provide candidates with the necessary underpinning technical knowledge and skills enable them to supervise the insulation, operation, maintenance and removal of traffic management on single or dual carriageway up to 40mph.

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Managers and Client Officers (T7)

The aim of this course is to provide candidates with the necessary underpinning technical knowledge to enable them to liaise with the traffic management teams and understand current working practice management on single or dual carriageway up to 40mph.

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Winter Service Operations

Upon successful completion of Unit 680 above, candidates will undertake a practical assessment where the candidate will be expected to demonstrate the safe/competent use of the Winter Maintenance equipment...
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Keep Right can offer traffic management designs for any size of contract within the United Kingdom. We use the latest design Cone software, in full colour on A4 through to A1 paper size hard copies, with electronic and PDF formats.

We can provide traffic management planning and designs with consultancy that covers pricing, risk assessment and method statements.

With our vast knowledge of managing traffic management companies and contracts throughout the UK, we have dealt with most situations both contractually and operationally.



From the following site we cover the whole of Scotland






England & Wales

From the following sites we cover the whole of England and Wales







Traffic Safety & Control

We can supply a fully qualified Traffic Safety and Control Officers (Lantra approved -TSCOs) for all major contracts.

  • We liaise with all agencies, local council, police and emergency services
  • We review any method statements and risk assessments provided by traffic management subcontractors
  • Support is always given to our TSCOs by our design and consultancy team